Monday, March 2, 2015

Winter Wonderland

Crazy, I know,  but we did get a HUGE snowstorm here in the 505. It started Friday morning and that was a total mess. I had to drive to work at 6:00 am and the roads were not cleared and the interstates were even worse! Pure ice and you couldn't see the lines. So very scary to feel the car slide and hoping others were being careful not to hit ya. That night the storm really hit and the next morning was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! We received 8 inches, 8 inches!! ABQ was shutdown, literally. Most of the snow melted by that evening and then Sunday it was 64 degrees and of course all the snow was gone. 

Ty out shoveling our driveway Friday night. He wanted to make sure we could get out in case Goober wanted to debut that night.

His crazy hair after shoveling. He definitely needs a haircut:)

Saturday morning after the storm passed. This is our picnic table. 

The dogless dog house and the fence. 

Looking out our front window 

8 inches total 

Our friends were kind enough to let us put some baby items on their baby registry through amazon and we got 15% off. BOOYA! So Saturday was spent inside putting our last items together for the Goob.

Ty hard at work with one of the strollers. 

Our 2 strollers, car seat, 2 bases, and the high chair not shown. All of them were pretty darn easy to put together except for the blasted high chair, but we survived.

Getting ready to head out to church, 36 weeks 2 days. 


Pauline said...

Wish we could get your snow here. Looking like there may be a baby on the fun.

Jenn said...

That snow looks like more than we have had In a LONG while! And that is so cute that Ty shoveled just in case. What a great guy. ;)

Grandma Sue said...

You guys are looking very ready for this little one. It won't be long now :)