Sunday, April 6, 2014

Our Home:)

Now that we are a little more settled into our home (I just love the sound of that, our home:) we need to document this! After looking for 10 months and having a roller coaster ride of A LOT of up and downs, we landed this beauty. It was well worth the wait I tell ya. We actually looked at this house because Ty wanted to fill some time up with our realtor. After looking at it on-line we figured might as well. Sure glad we did! We walked in and both became quite because it looked a tons better than the pictures showed it. Needless to say we loved it and wanted it:) Then after a couple of more ups and downs we signed the dirty deed and now it is ours.
The first thing we did was to finish the masterbath.....the pictures tell you why:) What you don't see in this picture is the big ole hole next to the toilet where a baday use to be....just gross. So this house at one point was pink on the outside and then pink bathroom and carpet. Thankfully for us this bathroom was the only remnant. 

 Our garage was the storage place for our new stuff arriving

Now to see what our house looks like now:) Here is our living room when you walk in the front door.

 Living room opens right up to the dining area

From the table you can see through the kitchen and down into the family room

The previous owners redid the kitchen and all the flooring in the house, which we really like

I promise the family room doesn't look like this anymore, things are put away and it looks orderly:)

From the family room it goes to the laundry and 1/2 bath which you can't see on the right side. Door leads out to garage.

So standing in the living room you can see the family room and then these stairs go up to where the 4 bedrooms are


And our newly redone masterbath!!! We like it lots:)

One of the other bedrooms

The guest bath....the green doesn't offend us at all. So it shall stay:)

Another bedroom which holds some storage and also our food storage. The nifty little door there opens up to a crawl space

YAY for crawl space!!! Lots of storage room

And now the last bedroom......the guest room which includes a walkout balcony.

2 car garage which is a legit 2 car garage. Look how much room Bingo gets! One day we hope to put in some nice shelves. The best thing is you don't have to worry when you open the car doors that it will hit the wall or the truck.

On the west side of the house is this nice cement pad where the boat lies.....This past weekend the car port people showed up and now the boat has its own little home.

West side of the house. The balcony you see is where the guest bedroom is. I forgot to get a pick of the backyard. It has some fruit trees and some grass.....YAY FOR GRASS IN NM!!!! pics will follow when we get the garden going.

Now for the street view.