Sunday, October 25, 2015

Visitors in October

Here we go, Bronson really enjoyed his carrots. Right now Peas are the way to go. He will give the little bird mouth if you don't give it fast enough.

Enjoying his jumper time, this at the time was quite rare. But he has been practicing and this past week he has done really well. This evening he was jumping in it like a pro.

Seriously my favorite, FAVORITE! Went back to the store and cleaned them out:) So good!

Bonding time

How we started off our Conference session for the Saturday afternoon. Man Conference was so good.

Used our wheat grinder and made some real yummy bread.

Went to a potluck in between the Sunday sessions and showed our school pride. Went to the poluck and everyone was in their Sunday clothes. Felt a little sheepish. . . . I guess a lot of them were already at the church to watch the morning session. We really enjoyed conference from our home:)

We love our morning walks

Grandma and Grandpa Smith sent Bronson his Trick-or-Treat bag. This year Ty and I are going to take advantage of this situation.

Had to wash some stuff and set Bronson in his little carrier. He didn't like it at all, but the washing had to get done. He fussed and then went quiet. Looked over and he grabbed himself the cereal box from the recycle bin. Sure kid, whatever will keep you entertained.

This kid loves to take off his socks and to chew on them. I threw them over his arms and he was in hog heaven. I did this at church and many were concerned what happened. Got tired of telling them that he liked it and finally took them off.

Jamie and her kids came down to visit for their Fall Break. Ty took them up the tram. Bronson did pretty good. The ride up to the top

Rylee and Garrett enjoying the view

The whole group

Jamie and her kids visited the Balloon Museum

Took her family to our favorite New Mexican place, Las Salitas. Bronson pulled a first in the high chair, the kiddo loved it..... and the table

Went to the zoo. I really do love this zoo. I am excited to get a pass next year when buddy will enjoy it more

Little family picture. 

The kiddos

Checking out the baby giraffe

It was fun to Have Jamie and her kids down. Bronson loved watching and playing with the others. Thanks for coming!!!

Another first. Sitting up in the cart. So cute, he was so excited he kept kicking and grinning. Man my baby is getting big:) Mom came down while Ty went on a business trip. We bought the fabric for bibs.

This was in the checkout lane. Pretty funny. Also the lady behind us tried to cash a fake $100 bill. The cashier said no so she left. Really kind of weird.

Grandma Day bought some new toys for Bronson.

The different projects. I made an eyeball wreath and mom is getting started on the bibs.

Ended the night with some Griffs. We love that place!

The blocks cut out

Tracing the eyes

Happy 7 months to this little man!

Can you see his hair over his ears. Drives me nuts!!!! So today was the day it got trimmed.

So much better!!!! Kind of hacked it on one side, oh well.

Ty has worn the same tie for years, literally years. He got it before the mission. I have tried numerous times for him to wear another one, he won't. One day I even hid it and said he needed to wear another one. Won't do that again. Every Sunday it is the same blue tie. Bronson is very much at the grabbing phase and putting it in his mouth. Ty hates how he tries to eat his blue tie, because of where it has been. Miracle happened today! He put on his basketball tie. This little family was happy today at church:)

The finished project. I have 3 more to sew around the edges. They turned out pretty cute, Thanks mom!!!!