Sunday, July 15, 2012

The BIG one

Ty took the title home yesterday from our fishing trip from Cochiti Lake. We were having a slow morning and we are pretty sure that the green moss everywhere was not helping at all. Anywho Ty announced to Steve, a friend and co-worker, and I that he had a fish. Man did this fish put up a fight!!! Ty figures it took about 5 minutes to finally get him netted. At one point we had to steer the boat the direction the fish was going so that the line wouldn't break. 25inches and 8 pounds carp. Took pictures then threw him back, not worth eating. Ty said that he felt 'dirty' even holding it:) 
Way to catch the BIG one love!!!!

Here they are measuring the beast.

 Sorry so fuzzy. . but I pinky swear it's 8lbs.

Letting the fish get a breather, so we could take more pics.

Friday, July 13, 2012


So. . . . I have been way excited for the apricots to come in this year. It's been fun watching the blossoms come and seeing the billion of apricots start to grow. I've been pumping myself up to make apricot jam, you know the really REALLY yummy stuff. I have picked 3 grocery sacks full trying to get the apricots more big and better. The poor tree has really been falling over with all the fruit. Bring on the jam!!! Getting giddy really. 
Then something happened. My apricots started to turn a different color than what I thought they should. I thought that maybe they got a weird bug or was dying from the heat. . . . Then I talked to my mother. Come to find out my apricots are baby peaches!!!!!!! What?!?!?! This is sending my brain into confusion. It's like when I was on my mission and my brother Logan and his wife Jenn sent me the video of the gender of their first born. I saw a 'B' up in the corner of the video and then it stopped. I thought they were having a baby boy. Then a while later they told me that their baby was a girl? Can I tell you it was weird seeing a baby girl instead of a boy when I came home. Took a while to adjust. Anywho. . . . . So I am proud to show you my peaches growing in the backyard:)

Here is the poor tree. . . it has lots of fruit on it. When the wind and rain comes through I get a little nervous for this guy. One branch has already broken. That's when I went out and weeded some apricots, oh I mean peaches, out.

As you can see from this picture I may need to go out with grocery sacks and pull more peaches off. 

This reminds me of 'James and the Giant Peach'. Bring on all the Peaches, BOOYA!

ABQ Temple

Ty and I were able to go to the Albuquerque Temple with some friends, the Torgensens. It was good to go and do some family names. I like doing family names at the temple, makes it a little more special AND gives brownie points for when we go to the other side:). It's a smaller temple and it's very beautiful outside and inside.

We should have had our friends take our picture. . . oh well. Ty's car does a fantastic job of holding our camera:)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Good day of fishing!

Yesterday Ty and I went to Cochiti Lake for fishing. Ty had just caught a fish and was measuring it when I caught a fish too. It felt big and was giving a good fight. Ty came over to help and brought the net. That's when we first saw that I had landed another Pike! We were both afraid that the beast was going to get away because I didn't have any steel wiring on my line and it's teeth could have cut it. After a little bit of fighting Ty was able to net it and bring it in. It is 30 inches and weighs 7 pounds! Man these fish are nasty!

Ty, as you can see, is not scared to hold it by the gills. The Pike was so big and still had some fight in him so I went for the great big hook instead. I didn't want him flopping around while holding him:)

Ty's sister McCall and her kiddos came that night while on their way up to Utah. So we naturally showed them the fish we caught that day. Ty caught 2 Large Mouths and a White Bass:)