Sunday, December 7, 2014

Deck the halls

Can I tell you how mad I am at myself! Real Mad!!! I totally didn't take any pictures from Thanksgiving......BLAST! Mom, Dad, and Andrew came down and we had a great time. Lots and lots of New Mexican food and most of our tummies paid a price:) Things we did: Tamales from El Modelo, great Thanksgiving meal, Hunger Games 3 with front row seats (oh not so lucky), fishing at Cochiti, Black Friday shopping, setting up Christmas, lots of movies, and plenty of games. So very happy that those 3 were able to come down. And as always..... just sob as they leave. Good thing Christmas is around the corner:)

A BIG HUGE  THANKS to mom for helping to set up our Christmas and for the many trips to Wal-Mart:)

Our little tree downstairs in the family room. Per Ty's request we will be hanging fishing lures on it. We also put some basketball ornaments on it.

Last year at Hobby Lobby I found this garland and scored big on it. I got it in anticipation that we would get our house. SO glad we have it. Anywho so the garland is on the rail between the kitchen and family room.

Our little nativity set. Now just imagine the candles glowing. Got those beauties from Costco like 2.5 years ago, flameless and run on batteries, score!

Our stockings along with more candles. They are so pretty when they glow at night.

Much to my fathers dismass we have only white lights on our tree.....sorry dad. Along with those white lights are silver ornaments and these red berry things that I also got on clearance from Hobby Lobby.

Love me some Christmas

Also in way of news, we had our support beam replaced on the front porch. We knew this needed to be done sooner than later. So glad we did! You can see how rotten the poor thing is. Glad we did it too before the roof came down.

Some guys came and put up a huge metal beam in it's place. The beam had a brown primer on it and we liked the color, so we went to our local Home Depot and got the same color to pain on it so it wouldn't rust. Ty did a super job with his mad painting skills. YAY one more project done on our house..... now how many more?:)

PS- we are so happy that we invested in this ladder.... that is all.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Coming soon!

We are so very excited for this wee one, our little Goober will be joining this Smith family in March. The 1st trimester....hellish. Not fun at all. We became reclusive from friends due to the "all the time" sickness. a) I am married to the greatest man ever. I am oh so blessed to have Ty as mine. He is caring, patient, and always willing and wanting to help. b) What a great job I have landed here in the land of enchantment. My boss and co-workers have been kind and willing to work with me calling in all the time those first 12 weeks. c) Feeling goober move inside my tummy and sweet cheeks feeling the babe kick, LOVE IT!

We were able to see that there was an actual baby growing inside instead of a tapeworm at our last appt. We were wanting to know the gender but we could not get a good enough shot. After talking about it we have decided to be surprised at birth. The best part of this decision...... How upset people are that we are not finding out. It just makes me laugh. I also get a kick out of those who voice their opinion that the gender should be saved till birth. The little things that gets peoples panties in a twist:) Enjoy the pics!

Profile of the Goober

Well we know who the babe gets their look from. This picture looks so much like Ty! They have his nose. Even my mom mentioned that when she first saw this picture.

The bottom of their right foot and a butt cheek.

Side profile with head on the right. 

Pics of their arms, right and left

Goober swinging their arm at us to leave 'em alone

Left foot and leg with a faint image of an arm. The poor babe is all squished in there:)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

As of lately. . .

It has been forever and so I thought I would throw some pics out there. Ya the catch up game:)

Ty and his friend Steve catching a 43 in long tiger musky at Blue Water

Okay really this thing was HUGE! Never ever ever will anyone see me swimming at that lake

Tomatoes from the garden

Nasty tomato bug found eating our biggest tomato. Ty took him out

Our loverly front door. The inside is Beautiful, the outside..... well due to the ABQ weather it has taken a beating and was losing

So during General Conference I worked on this wreath and ate DELISH clementines

Ty and our friend Steve, yes another Steve friend, took the door down and sandpapered it down. The door now looks amazing!

These Lovely ladies and Evan Rude came for a visit. LOVED IT!!!!! Went to Old Town and walked around a bit

Visited the temple

Bright eyed and busy tailed at 5 am on the bus headed to the balloon fiesta! I would have taken a better picture but the people on the bus didn't appreciate the flash:(

The crew enjoying the balloons. LOVE how everyone is looking in a different direction at all the balloons.

Had so much fun with these guys!!!!! We also went out to dinner, had famous Twister burritos, us ladies had manicures and pedicures, yummy food, Ty and Evan Rude went fishing with the older girls and caught some real whoopers, playing games, etc. So much fun! Thanks for coming!!!!!