Thursday, November 6, 2014

As of lately. . .

It has been forever and so I thought I would throw some pics out there. Ya the catch up game:)

Ty and his friend Steve catching a 43 in long tiger musky at Blue Water

Okay really this thing was HUGE! Never ever ever will anyone see me swimming at that lake

Tomatoes from the garden

Nasty tomato bug found eating our biggest tomato. Ty took him out

Our loverly front door. The inside is Beautiful, the outside..... well due to the ABQ weather it has taken a beating and was losing

So during General Conference I worked on this wreath and ate DELISH clementines

Ty and our friend Steve, yes another Steve friend, took the door down and sandpapered it down. The door now looks amazing!

These Lovely ladies and Evan Rude came for a visit. LOVED IT!!!!! Went to Old Town and walked around a bit

Visited the temple

Bright eyed and busy tailed at 5 am on the bus headed to the balloon fiesta! I would have taken a better picture but the people on the bus didn't appreciate the flash:(

The crew enjoying the balloons. LOVE how everyone is looking in a different direction at all the balloons.

Had so much fun with these guys!!!!! We also went out to dinner, had famous Twister burritos, us ladies had manicures and pedicures, yummy food, Ty and Evan Rude went fishing with the older girls and caught some real whoopers, playing games, etc. So much fun! Thanks for coming!!!!!


Grandma Sue said...

Sure enjoy your blog! Looks like a good time was had by all!

Jen Duke said...

That is a seriously huge fish. I thought the same thing about not wanting to swim with it. haha Fun pictures!

Jenn said...

That monster fish coming out of the boat freaks me out! He's huge! I am sure glad my ladies didn't catch that! Although they probably would have been floored if they had....too bad. And your house and your door? Can we come back!?!? Please oh please!!!!