Thursday, July 21, 2016

Utah Trip

We were a bit nervous for our 10 hour drive up to Utah with a 1 year old, but he really did great. Ty and I took turns driving while the other went to the back to entertain buddy. When it hit nap time, the entertainer, would come to the front so buddy would nap. It worked out great to be moving like that in the car, made the time go by faster. The night before we left I made a trip to All a Dollar and picked up some odds and ends that were lifesavers. I looked in pinterest and found some great ideas to entertain young kids in the car. The deck of cards were a real big hit!
*Once again overload of pics*

Also discovered the love of cheetos

These pictures are in no certain order. Thanks to those who snapped these and sent them to us:)
Hit up the carnival at the Strawberry Days

It was devilishly HOT!

Celebrating Father's Day with a BBQ
Loves the 4-wheeler and rides with grandpa Day

Loves peas from the garden

Screamed when his turn was over and had to get him off


Spoiled with McDonalds and all the Popsicles a boy could ever want 

The jail that Grandpa Smith stayed in for a couple hours when he was a young boy. Hopefully that won't pass on to these boys

Grandpa doing what he does best

can you tell this boy got smothered on this trip:) He sure loved all his cousins and family. Its times like these that we sure miss living close to family.  



Loved the little seat. We will need to let Santa know of this one for Christmas


Well Utah, it's always a treat. See you next time!