Well Ty was inspired one day and asked when Bronson should start taking naps in his crib and going to sleep on his own. I say inspired because that is what it truly was! After phone calls and crying down stairs on the phone with my mom we did it! Bronson boy loves sleeping in his crib. He falls asleep on his own for bedtime and can now sleep anywhere between 6-9 hours (knock on wood). Bless that child. He does pretty good during the day for naps, taking about 2-3 in his crib. Other times I just want to cuddle the goob:)
My favorite time now is the mornings. When we get him out of the crib he smiles and smiles and smiles. Good to know he still likes us.
Bronson boy helped me finish our garden. Finally found some zucchini plants, last year I couldn't find any. Also planted some giant pumpkins.
When we change Bronson on the changing table he smiles and kicks like crazy and gets all excited. As soon as you put his diaper on he gets upset. He is now also bringing his legs up to his chest so you can't put his diaper on... the stinker. When the clothes are then put on, he cries. He loves being naked. But we can only handle standing there for so long. Ty had the idea (man he is full of ideas) of bringing him where there wasn't any carpet and letting him be naked. So we dropped a towel and this chucks. That way the kiddo can spray where ever he wants and its an easy clean up. He handled it for a couple minutes but I guess its not the same as the changing table.
He loves gnawing on his hands. And then his happened. Surprised himself with the finger up the nose. Maybe we will have a picker in the family
Absolutely loves this toy. I will place him there to play and can get things done. He will play there for 20 minutes or more. He kicks the bars and watches the toys move above him. He also likes using his arms to swat at them and can now grab some of the toys
How Bronson fell asleep on Ty the other day. Usually he stuffs his head in Ty's armpit.
Our creepy cactus cemetery is gone. Ty hired a youth from our ward who was looking for money for the scout camp. Took 7 hours and two trips to the dump. It looks soooooo much better!

As I was pumping yesterday I like to sit on the floor by the couches and watch TV or play on the Ipad. I look over and there is this DISGUSTING cockroach walking towards me. SICK!!!!!! Yes there are roaches in ABQ. And depending on where you live there can be lots. Anywho I look around at what I can use to destroy him but I don't have anything. Heck no I will not use the Ipad to kill him. Then I see some tissues and figure I can try tossing him across the room and then get him later. Remember I am pumping. Well the tossing didn't work. Scared the stupid thing and it took off full speed towards me. I didn't want to spill my milk and was trapped. I screamed in a high pitched voice "NO!!!! NOT ON ME"!!!!! and totally flailed and screamed. I didn't see it fly or anywhere on the ground. Panic button was pushed and I looked to see if it was on me. SICK! Anywho after the pumping and getting things cleaned up I found the devil on Ty's stretching pad. So happy it wasn't on me:)

Love this little buddy of ours:)