Picture overload as always
Found these gems on the camera. Bronson is probably 4 weeks old? This first pic is such a mini Ty.
Bronson holding his bottle on his own back in July
Alrighty now we are up to date. Whenever Bronson is in a good mood the legs go strait up.
Loading Bronson up for his first fishing trip to Monastery Lake
He loves chewing on this strap
This kid gets lint in between his toes like crazy.
Ty and I are on our bowling date. Great form there sweets
The Governor of NM asked people to do a day of cleaning. The Stakes down here asked each of the wards to come up with something for this day. Our ward cleaned up a biking trail that runs from 4 Hills down into the base. The trail was right behind a trailor park and we had plenty to do. Ty picked up 12 lighters easily. I didn't think much of the lighters but what got me was all the metal spoons and half soda pop cans. Only when Bishop Hjorth said something about drugs did it click. Man I am an idiot. Thankfully no one ran across any needles.
Bronson boy with Ty. Sweets actually gave me that reaching stick when I was prego. It worked out nicely that day for the clean up.
Bronson discovering a new toy
First time sitting up!
And boy did he like it
Ty and I laugh at this one. His head is Ginormous!!! Found out at his 6 months appt that for height and weight he is in the 60% and 80%. His head is 92%.
Those toes
Somehow he managed to get the curtains like this
Bath time!
One days picking from the garden
Found this nasty thing on our floor. NASTY THINGS! Since then we have found another one and cough cough black widows cough. Thankfully those spiders were found outside. Anyone want to come down for a visit:)
Our trip to Monastery Lake. Bronsons first fishing trip!
One cute bum
and another one
Ty's catch of the day
Bronson very much interested in the whole thing
Ty in absolute fishing heaven with his son. The first one of many more to come!
Raspberries FINALLY came in!
Just such an awesome dinner, picture worthy.
Ty got stung by something while adjusting the water sprinkler in the backyard. We couldn't find the nasty thing in the grass. Ty ended by stomping the grass area and telling the thing to burn in hell. His arm swelled up pretty good. Warm and itchy. Ended up in the Urgent Care for antibiotics and other meds. Thankfully the swelling went down and he didn't need the antibiotics
Sweet cheeks telling our son to get serious here.
Finally finally we had a cool rainy day. For our walk Bronson got all layered up. Totally thrilled as you can tell. Couldn't figure out why he was crying when I put the jacket on and the hoodie. Yep totally pinched his neck.... felt awful.
6 month pictures
This is how we do the vacuuming and making dinner when he won't cooperate with me
HAHAHAHA! love this picture. First meal after pics. love it:)!
Ty came home from work and said that a co-worker celebrated 35 years at Sandia so they had pizza and cake. Ty hates cake and said that there were a lot of extra. Half kidding and Half mad I asked why he didn't bring any home for me. Well the next day Ty brought me home some cake from his work. Full on cried tears of joy! I am not kidding, cried. Love cake and frosting.
He so desperately wants those birds up there....
Just out of reach. Poor buddy