Tuesday, July 4, 2017

First couple of weeks as family of 4

We were lucky enough to have both sets of parents come down to help once Elise arrived.
Bronson at first wasn't too sure about being a big brother.... but once grandparents had left he realized that this was our new crew, he stepped right up to the plate.
Bronson loved the donut... little did he know where that thing had been, haha!

Grandma and Grandpa Smith came down and that was great!

Pretty sure they are watching basketball here:)


Bronson loved this new track he got for Easter from Grandma and Grandpa Day.

Grandma Sue was rocking Elise upstairs when Bronson lost all his cookies. I was downstairs sleeping and missed the whole thing, dang it, not. Sue and Ty quickly cleaned up and then Bronson was outcast to the blanket only with a puking bucket nearby. Poor dude. Luckily it was only a one time deal.

Such a good daddy! 

Bronson slowly warming up to Miss Elise.

First bath.  


Grandpa Smith showing Grandpa Day his pj's. See Grandpa Day, no big deal;)

Bronson loved Grandma Smith's sunglasses.

Like father like son. Yes my Sweet Cheeks will wear socks with flip flops. Not proud at all here. He is now passing it on to our son.

This is a classic pose for Ty with our babies. They will be upset and he puts them in these awkward positions and they love it. Ha! Makes me smile. 

Our little flour child. Bronson stole this from Elise and loves it. He wears it whenever he can.
He also took a doosey of a fall outside on the sidewalk. He ate cement real good.

Love the looks we get from our kiddos 

Snow in April.... why not? 

Since I couldn't be there for the Bridal Shower of Sydney I got the invitations made and mailed them out.

Grandma and Grandpa Day then joined us. 
This is the classic Grandpa Day hold for babies. They stop fussing and really like it. 

Bronson helping Grandma Day with the dishes.

Learning how to husk corn. The kiddo did pretty good. He loves to eat corn on the cob.

Rare glimpse of Bronson wanting to hold Elise.

Can't see it very good at all, but there is a bird up on the corner of the left upper window. Somehow the bird flew in our house but luckily it flew out the back door in a couple of minutes. 

My hands peeled the same way after having Bronson. The doctors don't know why it happens, blasted hormones. Man my hands hurt real bad.

The skin that literally peels off of my hands. 

Bronson spraying Elise.... it's only the beginning I am sure. 

Bronson wanting a picture with Elise, YAY!