5 days ago
Monday, September 27, 2010
Little Jimmy
When we would go down to my grandparents house in Kingston as kids during the late summer time, we would look for caterpillars. Now these are not the ordinary caterpillars, these were the ones that would become monarch butterflies! Some years there were a lot and other years not so much. Well when we went down recently there were a lot of them and I came home with two, a really big one and one the size of my pinky fingernail (thanks Steve-o for finding them:). The little one got the name of Little Jimmy. My mom that he wouldn't survive but he ended up being the one who survived! The other one was found sadly on the bottom of the jar, may he rest in peace. Anywho Little Jimmy came out of his cacoon today at 11:20. . . yes yes, the time of his butterfly days. It was way cool to watch him come out and to watch his wings get real big (I may or may not have been carrying the mason jar around with me as I was leavin for my parents house like a little kid). Here are some pictures for you to enjoy. And you will notice that Jimmy and I are matching today, yellow and orange. . . it was a friendship made in heaven!
Monday, September 20, 2010
San Diego!
So lots has happened this past month. First I will cover the FULLY AWESOME trip to San Diego with my family. We flew out early in the morning and the flight went pretty good. The flight attendants loved my neices and nephew so we were instantly on their favorite list:)
We had a lay over at the Las Vegas Airport and then we were on our way to San Diego. We arrived in style to our condo in two matching white mini vans. We stayed at the Capri Beach which is totally rad and I would recommend it to anyone! We were so excited to see the Ocean and the beautiful view!
As you can see we are very happy!
The next day we planned a trip to Sea World. I haven't been there since I was a junior in high school and it turned out to be a fun trip. It was real hot and the babies stuck it out pretty good. We were all sad that Andrew couldn't be there with us due to his training in the Marines. We were able to stand up in support for his service at the Shamu show which was awesome! Here are some pics from there.
Favorite quote from the trip "Where's Nana?"
Yes Evan Rude is using the hider. . . awkward, nope!
Thank you Sea World for giving us the inspirational message of 'Believe'. Maybe next time one of us will receive the special necklace of flippers
Reasons why swimming even in a lake makes me a little weary. . . need I say more?
And of course there was the beach. . . the whole reason why we went to San Diego! Bad sadly I didn't get many pictures of the beach because of playing in the ocean. But this one will do it justice
It was such a fun trip!!!! I love my family so much!!!!!!
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