This past weekend was so so awesome! First off an old roommate got hitched so Clarissa and I met up in SLC and went to the reception together. It was so good to see Clarissa again and for the giggles. The bride and groom looked so cute together and I am happy that we went. Then friday afternoon my good friend Amber from Utah State came down to visit, it was so good to see her again and to spend time together! The first night Amber and I went to the Provo temple where Amber did baptisms and I did sealings. The next day we made our way up to the University of Utah to visit our good friend Chris who was in our ward up in Logan and a good neighbor. Chris is in the pre-med program up there and we haven't seen him in a long time. Amber and I may or may not have gotten lost a couple times on campus, but Chris pulled through and got us to his place. Chris made us chicken enchiladas for lunch and showed us the top of the roof. AMAZING view!

Joel, another friend from the old ward, showed up to visit. It was so good to see these guys and to catch up with each other. Chris gave us a tour of his classrooms where he studies and a little of campus. Afterwards Amber and I went to my parents house where she answered my brothers texts and we played a card game and ate dinner. This weekend was fully awesome and I am so grateful for such good friends and great examples! Thanks so much guys:)
Amber, me, Joel, and Chris
Joel being one with the skeleton