Saturday, January 12, 2013

Nana, Papa, & Ickles!!!

Mom, dad, and Kaden came for a visit down here to ole NM. . . What a great and fun time!

After picking up Dad and Ickles from the airport we took them right up to the Tram. It was a nice little ride (thank heavens for no turbulance that day:). Here we are looking over into the valley, it was a little hazy.

Here is what our ride looked like. You can fit a lot of people into those cars. Confession: my hands and feet may or may not have gotten sweaty while riding up and down while looking down to see how far up we were. That is all.

So this was pretty neat. We saw some people gathered around in one spot and realized that a para-sailor (or whatever they are called) was about to take off. We made our way very quickly to get good seats. He was waiting for a good wind to pick up and that took a little while.

 Here we are sitting for the big moment. Mom has her camera ready.

Okay this part I could never ever ever EVER do. He took off running down the mountain side where there was a cliff not too far away. Man I get sweaty hands just typing this. Have you noticed that I don't do heights yet:)

And there he goes. . . just sick.

We walked around the top. Ickles wanted pictures and we ended up like this. . . what we would do if caught on the toilet. Yep that's my family.

On the way back we stopped at the Albuquerque temple for some photo's. Pretty temple for sure. I was so happy to find out while Ty and I were dating that there was a temple nearby, it made the move and transition a lot more bearable, if that makes any sense. 

Ty had to work on Monday so I took the family to Old Town. It was fun to walk around and see the little shops.

It was a lot of fun to have my family visit and to have them see where we are living. Thanks guys, love ya!!!!!


Pauline said...

I like them....thanks for posting. I love seeing the updates.

Jenn said...

What you would look like if caught in the bathroom? Hilarious! ! !