Monday, October 14, 2013

BRAZIL (Part 4)

This is Ponte Negra beach. Very nice place to hit up the Negra river for a dip and swim. Did we go swimming, not on our lives. They had little areas blocked off because there are alligators that like to go swimming too.

This is the new bridge that was finished not too long ago. It connects Manaus over to the other side of the huge river. Before the only way to get across was by a boat. This is a new since Ty was there last.

Here we are at the dock in Manaus. Lots of ferry's and boats. We hitched a ride on a boat to look at the 'Coming of the Waters'. This is where the Negra and Solimoes rivers come together to make the Amazon River. It takes the rivers 2 miles to mix and I tell ya people it was awesome.

I told ya it was a line down the river! So the reasons why it takes so long to mix is due to the waters' density, velocity, and temp. We put our hands in the water as our guide went over the line and it was awesome to fell the change in water temp. Pretty neat uh?

Here is a water community out on the river. 

Here is a church or school building, I can't remember which one, sorry:)

Saw some kiddos out playing. Man that would be hard to have kids out here. They would have to learn fast how to swim. Toddlers would make me crazy having to watch them so they don't slip and fall over board.

You cant really see 'em, but there are dogs on the corner of this house. Dogs!

Here is the school boat to pick the kiddos up for school.

A little gift shop on a house boat.

Our little fishing for Arapaima. These fish were about 4 feet long and just big. They were in a little area netted off and would watch us walk by them because they knew food was coming. Their eyes were creepy how they would follow and watch you. We had a blast!

Here we are back at the dock and taking a look at the fish for sail

The big circle thing is their garbage bin. Oh ya now I remember why we took this picture. This is one of the houses Ty lived in when he was a missionary serving there.

1 comment:

Grandma Sue said...

I sure am enjoying your travel log! Really like the pics of the two rivers coming together.