Sunday, June 1, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

For Memorial Day weekend my parents were able to come hang out with us. So very happy they were able to come!
Hiking Tent Rocks and finally finishing it! We went with Ty's folks during Thanksgiving and we weren't able to finish it due to the park closing:(

The flowers on the cactus are coming out, LOVE IT!

Look real hard and you can See Ty pointing out Lake Cochiti off in the far distance.

Looking towards the Sandia Mountains

Went to a yard sale and found these beauties for $40!!!  I have been looking for something like these forever! But the ones at Goodwill's and the other thrift stores were like $100 plus. While the boys tackles our fence my mom and I painted these.

Bike ride up Tramway. Went 10 miles total....totally kicked my trash.

The finish project!!!! Totally love them:)

We also got lots of rain....3 days in a row rain that lasted most of the afternoon and evening. So that meant lots and lots of card games which we love. Thanks mom and dad for coming down and helping us out!!!! Love ya


Jen Duke said...

It is so pretty there! And those drawers look fabulous. Nice job! Looks like you had a fun visit.

Pauline said...

We had a great time. Thanks for the invite....totally like the dresser!!

Jenn said...

Oh I love your refurb project! It turned out awesome! And your weekend with the folks looks like it was a blast!

Wes and Dani said...

LOVE those furniture pieces! When you come up to Utah will you help me?? I'm really super scared of big pieces like that.

Jamie said...

Excellent furniture redo. I admit I was a little nervous at first glance but they turned out fabulous!!

Laura Day said...

Thanks ladies:) Yes Dani I would love to help ya out.....To be honest I was scared the whole time:)

Debbie said...

Looks like so much fun! And I LOVE what you did to that cabinet! Wow!