Likes to watch the laundry
Our first trip to McDonalds. Grandma and Grandpa Day sent Bronson a gift certificate for Valentines day so off we went. Lunch was a win!
Then this happened. Saturday afternoon woke up from his nap with a fever. Then next day still had a little fever but then the drool was everywhere. He wouldn't swallow and let it run out of his mouth. He wanted to eat, get all excited, take one bite, and then howl. Next morning woke up with these beauties. Went to the doctor. Hand foot mouth disease. This is the worse his mouth got. Had a couple blisters on his hands and feet and his butt. By Wednesday this kid was pretty much healed, scabs on the blisters and feeling so much better
Wednesday morning Ty says his throat kind of hurts. He goes to work only to come home 3 hours later with a fever.
This is an hour later. Fever at 102.
About two days later he gets sores on his hands, feet and inside is mouth. He got the disease too! Love his shirt in the picture, HAHAHA!
Apricot tree with popcorn all over it
Blisters on his hands. He was home for a week and a half recovering from this thing. Went to the dr's after a week and she said for him just to stay home until the following Monday.
YAY for being all better!!! So happy I didn't get it, phew