Friday, March 11, 2016

On with the fun!

Buddy has discovered the cupboards and all the fun things inside. 

Tim Bob and Bronson hanging out. It's really fun to watch these two play together.

The Pinewood Derby for cub scouts took place. This year we invited the Activity Day girls to join us. It was fun to see how they decorated their cars. These lovely ladies helped me with the treats of twinkie cars.

Like father like son. This had works really good for Bronson with his large head.

Getting started on a rag rug for Bronson's room

Don't mind it too much when he does this. Keeps him entertained so I can get stuff done.

Our two freezers in the garage. On the left our food, on the right Bronson's milk. 

Yep folks full of my breast milk. This isn't all of it either. Some went up to Utah and some is still in the kitchen freezer. I AM A FREE WOMAN!!!!!! No more pumping for this girl, BOOYAAAAA!

Discovered this beauty while cleaning up my wood chest. Some of my t-shirts from working at Clear Creek. 

He was eating some coupon from the mail and turned his mouth all black. Not too pleased when I took it away

Seriously folks he is in there all the time.

Sweets finding new ways to entertain the babe.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

The constant cabinet clean out is great! I remember those days.