Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Finishing up March

Last year when the Easter Bunny came Bronson was able to fit in his Easter Basket, the little goober. The basket was left on the fire place and Bronson noticed it right away. He ate some candy, or so I thought, and after a couple minutes spit it out. Oh well. Leaves more for mom and dad.

March wouldn't be complete without some Madness! Thanks to Aunt McCall Bronson was stylin' for the occasion.

Seriously this kid has head falls at least twice a day. Ty and I were talking when Bronson fell over. He cried and then he screamed. No idea what his big noggin hit, fireplace or the couch table. I went and picked him up and didn't see anything. 5 seconds later I looked again because how he was screaming and saw this beauty. 

This is such a sad sad scene. Bronson was way hungry, and frankly I was too, so I decided to make some good ole mac and cheese. When it was finally done I went to drain it...... yep I totally lost! The lid slipped and all that loverly noodles too. Man was I mad! Even yelled. Bronson looked at me like I had lost it.

Bronson entertaining himself with my cell phone while we dropped off goodies to Ty's Hometeaching families. 

Watched this lizard climb up our screen door and then just hang out.... and then hang out some more. For a couple days he was like this and then he was gone. Went outside to investigate and the poor thing had bit the dust.

Bronson went through a phase of fig bars. He would get into the cupboard and bring them to us. I guess this day he was especially hungry. At first he had one bar in each of his hands and was crawling towards me. 

1 comment:

Grandma Sue said...

Looks like you've had a very fun Spring! Aside from the illnesses that is :( Thanks for sharing!!