Monday, September 12, 2016

August Outings

Bronson loves parks. In the mornings we run past one and he gets pretty upset when we don't stop. This park is just down the street.



Every Thursday we go to the Zoo with friends. Lately our favorite animals to see are the reptiles because its inside with AC. The boys pointing out a HUGE snapping turtle

Henry and Jana suggested we do a sleepover swap with our boys. They first took Bronson on Friday evening at 5:00 then we picked him up around 4:00 the next day. Brilliant I tell you! It was so nice to have Friday night to take our time with dinner and not rush home to the sitter. Ty and I were ecstatic to both leave the house after 8;00 to grab a treat. Haven't done that in 18 months. Rude Boy Cookies are AMAZING. I even told Ty I liked them more than cupcakes. Big deal here folks

The next weekend we got Tim Bob while Henry and Jana had the weekend off. Watching these two was fun and so much easier than 15 months ago.
Dinner of BBQ

Brushing teeth for bed

Eggs and muffins for breakfast

They had fun in the pool later that afternoon

 Popsicles, it's the new rave around here.

Proof that I use an iron to make my kid look good for church. Only thing I iron:)

Picking out the marshmallows from Lucky Charms

Once again, Ty is the only person allowed to do this. Makes me smile. 


Grandma Sue said...

Great little weekly routines you've got going :) Love the angle of picture #6 - does this mean you played on the big toy too? Timothy and Bronson are such cute friends and I think it's awesome that you traded for a free night!

Pauline said...

He is such the. Ute little big man😊