Monday, December 16, 2019

Life as a family of 5

Celeste has been an awesome baby. Pretty quiet and sleeps good.

Pics of Ty as a baby. She really is a mini Ty.

Elise can not get enough of her. Always asking to hold her.

Bronson commented on my hair being silly. Thanks buddy. You try having 2 rowdy kids and a newborn. 


Getting some outings in. They are so needed!

Elise eating the middle and leaving the cookies behind. Smart woman.

Our raspberries have exploded with TONS of beautiful, yummy, and tasty raspberries!
Look what I can do now!




Celeste Ann Smith

My mom flew in the night before induction day. So happy and glad to have her here to help with everything. We love you Marner!
Left bright and early Thursday morning to be at the hospital by 7:00. Man it was hard to leave the two kiddos. Knowing that this could be a potentially scary delivery I was a little on edge. Got there and they quickly assigned me a room and a Nurse. The nurse was a lady in her 50's and a new grad. Let's just say that she was book smart but NOT floor smart. Worse nurse ever. I won't go into details about the idiotic things she did. Thank heavens for the nurse who took over at shift change! Bless you Melanie RN, you totally turned around our labor and delivery experience.
Started the Pitocin when we first arrived. Since I had a c-section with Bronson they started me at the lowest dose and slowly increased it. I didn't have any strong contractions and after walking lots we moved on to plan B. The doctor inserted a catheter in my cervix to help open it up. Man that hurt like a banshee, yep tears streaming down my face. The contractions then started up and got more and more intense. After a while I was sobbing in uncontrolled pain and elected for the epidural. The anesthesiologist got the epidural in in less than a minute. No joke. It was amazing!!! Still we waited and waited and waited. This baby girl did not want to come. I started to worry about an emergency c-section. Ty was such an AMAZING partner to have. There to hold my hand, offer words of encouragement, and to rub my lower back when the contractions came. I sure love him. 
We were hoping for a Sept 5th baby, but man she didn't arrive until the 6th in the wee hours of the morning. So relieved that Dr Gough delivered her. He knew exactly what was going on with the placenta and my diabetes. Baby girl made her entrance and arrived safely. Celeste Ann Smith. 1:34 am weighing in at 7lbs 1oz and 19.25 inches long. Our smallest baby!!! I was shocked at all the hair she had, my first baby with hair, YES!!!! She was covered in the vernix caseosa, cheese like stuff, and the nurses had a ball trying to get it off. My placenta delivered without any issues, thank heavens!!!! Baby Celeste welcome to this Smith family!

Sleeping like nothing is going on, ha!

Celeste and daddy having some skin to skin time.

Bronson and Elise get their first glance. Bronson terrified. Elise in heaven.

Elise was totally in love! 

Bronson not so sure, but then he warmed up to her. 

A spitting image of her daddy! 


Mom has given all my babies their first sponge bath, so only saw it fitting that she helped with Celeste. So grateful and blessed my parents were able to come down and help. We love you guys!