There is new person in the family that I would like to introduce to you all. . . his name BINGO. After Sally was totalled (may she rest in peace. . . and no it was not my fault), my parents have been gracious in letting me barrow one of thiers. With my new job and my brother soon needing the car this was the perfect opportunity to get my very first car. After test driving many vehicles and dealing with salesmen, Dad many thanks and blessings for you and your patience in helping me, BINGO was found up in Murray. May I say love at first sight. . . YES!
6 days ago
Hooray for Bingo! Such a snazzy little car. We totally need to go cruising in it again....very soon.
I LOVE your car. It's so cute! I can see why you had such an amazing first sighting.
I LOVE it!!
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