Thursday, August 15, 2013

Train ride and Baseball game

With our friends JB and Veronica we took the Rail Runner from ABQ up to Santa Fe. The ride scenery was beautiful. Couldn't take any pictures though because we were on Indian Reservations.
So on our way to the train station monsoon hit hard! On the freeway we were driving about 30mph and then with the running water on the road traffic was HORRIBLE. After parking the car Ty and I were walking/running to get to the train before it left. Here is Ty calling JB to see if they were going to make it. After no answer we saw them running to the train. Veronica told us how they had to hop a fence in her dress. JB, her hubby, was so proud:)

 Found this beauty in Santa Fe. Purple hair and pink everything else. She looked like she was in her late 50's.

 The rain hitting Santa Fe just as we were walking off the train.

 After eating piggely at dinner we made our way to Flying Star for dessert.

 My work gives out tickets to the Isotope Baseball games, so awesome. We went with our friends the Lings. I am mad that I didn't get a picture of all of us. We did dinner at Costco for their hotdogs, figured the dogs at the stadium would be a wee bit too high for us.

 Our awesome seats. Honestly I was getting sick because my eyes kept focusing on the net. . . like those pop out books.

 Loved this sign.

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