Thursday, August 15, 2013

Utah Trip

In June we made our way up to Utah to visit with family. We stayed with Ty's parents and had a blast! One of the very many highlights were the Ande's mints and peanut butter cookies that greeted us in our bedroom, Thanks Sue!

We hit up the PG rodeo with the Smith clan and loved it! So much fun:)

 The kids lining up for the Cash Cow. This event is HILARIOUS! Some poor cows have cash stuck to them and these kiddos chase them around to grab the moola:)

 Sneaking out before the rush of the crowd. In case you can't tell we are pointing out the cows.

 The boys who snuck out to catch the Basketball Final game.

My brother Kaden received his endowments while we were in town. My last time to see Ickles this trip before he left for his mission to Fiji. Love the kid! Got to hang out with my family and loved it!

 Eating with the fam at Kneaders

 On Saturday Sue with some of Ty's nieces and I met up with my family for the Strawberry Day's parade. Here is my attempt to hold both twins without them crying.

 The clan

 Brynlee loved the floats and pointing them out

 For Ty who couldn't make it. He loved Smokey the Bear

 Yummy yummy place. If you ever see this golden nugget at any event try it out!

 Addie and Brynlee taking pics of me

 Sue and I ventured around to the Home Show. Okay these homes are A-MAZING!!! Here are some of the many pics I took. Thanks Sue!

 A half court in the house. . . IN THE HOUSE! Seriously:)

 This is hilarious. So on our way to Deer Creek for some fishin' and Sue brought the newspaper. She takes out the newspaper from the plastic and before reading it, she tries to see how many times she can pop the plastic. Hilarious:)

Thanks Sue and Skipper we had a lot of fun! It's always fun to see you guys:)

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