Sunday, February 22, 2015


So Ty and I learned a valuable lesson this week....being prepared for this goober to come. Wednesday at work was pretty rough. Just feeling real tired and sore. I was having lots of contractions and my lower back started hurting. The next day I woke up still contracting and just tired. Well the contraction weren't painful at all, just the tightening feeling and maybe a little crampy, so I didn't think much about it. Ty called from work to see how I was feeling and to see if the contractions were still coming. He asked if I had been timing them and when I said no, he told me that I probably should. Well I was contracting every 6 minutes for a minute or longer. I drank lots of water and laid down but they kept coming. After about an hour or so I texted Ty with the results and at first thought I was just kidding:) Talked with my Dr's nurse and she said that I needed to go to the hospital for triage.... awesome.

We are real excited... can ya tell:)

We have been meaning to put together our hospital bags but just haven't gotten to it yet. So as we waited for the doctor and nurse to come into our little room we wrote down items to put into our bags. Truly an eye opener for us:) Well the results are that I do not have a bladder infection, not yet dilated (which hurt like a banshee), and nothing to do yet. We were discharge with the instructions to come back if the contractions started to hurt, any bleeding, water breakage, closer contractions. We are happy the Goober wants to cook a little bit longer.

Picture at 35 weeks, grow baby grow!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Pinewood Derby

Well the Pinewood Derby and Blue and Gold Banquet are done, YES! Being Cub Master hasn't been bad at all, just the monthly pack meetings. The big months are January and February with the Derby and banquet. Lucky for me the other wards and another troop wanted to combine and do the Derby on one Saturday. Done! That meant the other troops were setting up and then we had to take everything down. Hands down would do that again. 

Tracks ready to go. We had 10 cub scouts racing and then 6 or so siblings.

Found this idea off of Pinterest. Not too shabby. We also had hot chocolate that the other troops had too much of, darn:)

The cub scouts cars. They did a pretty good job. The trophy's are in the back, 

I didn't take any pictures of the Banquet. That one I was running around too much. But our theme was camping. Had hot dogs, beans, potato salad, caprisons, and chips. One leader brought his camping gear and set that up around the gym. 3 boys earned their Arrows of Light and we had some older boys from the ABQ area come and present that to them. It was pretty cool. They were dressed up like Indians with long head dresses on with drums. The scouts seemed to like it. Dessert was smores. I had so much help with the other leaders and Ty that everything worked out great!

Now some pics of the Goob:)
People at work say that they don't notice I am prego until I turn to the side. Hmmmm, you can be the judge. Here I am at 32 weeks.

33 weeks