Christmas time is here! I loved introducing my Christmas Classics to Bronson. Ty walked in and asked "What crap are you watching?". When I told him it was my favorite Christmas show he made the right choice and quietly sat down.
My 2 little helpers putting up the Christmas tree.
Timmy brought his Truck over on a sleep over. Best decision ever! They each had their own vehicle and no fighting.
The Polar Express came on, Hallelujah! A movie with a steam train, music, and dancing. The boys were in heaven.
Going crazy the next day.
Grant came over to play as well
YAY for donuts!
Ward Christmas Party. Bronson would have nothing to do with Santa. I was very surprised that Elise actually sat on his lap.
Helping me in the kitchen.
Crafts with Bronson
The tub in the Master bath was really really slow draining. Pulled this nasty hairball out. DISGUSTING!
Playing outside in 30 degrees? Sure why not kid.
Enjoyed the River of Lights with Cody and Rachel. The kiddies did great! Best part it wasn't crowded at all!
Bronson's nursery art. Notice all the faces covered up with stickers, haha!
Story time at the library.
Had playgroup at our house.
Got these beauties from a family in the stake. Every year the Manzano high school marching band does a fundraiser with oranges and grapefruits. LOVE!
We love mail this time of the year. He got very good at opening the letters.
Bronson got the barfs while helping dad in the garage. Plastic covers for painting spread out and we were good. Thank heavens it only lasted a day.
Trains are everywhere in this house.
Decided to build him a train. Some neighbor kids think its a steam boat. Whatever.
Elise's first ride sitting in the cart.
During playgroup buddy was outside then came running in screaming. No clue what happened, but he did a good job. Thankfully he missed his eye.
Marner and Papa Day came down to celebrate Christmas, YIPPEE!
Had fun bowling.
Christmas Eve we had a fun traditional New Mexican meal. Tamales, beans, rice, cowboy caviar. Opening our PJ's from Marner and Papa.
Elise rolling around.
Christmas Morning massacre. Sweet Cheeks thought it best to bring in the recycling bin.
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