Monday, June 17, 2019

April happenings 2019

Bronson sporting his new church outfit from Marner. 



Kids treasures while waiting for Daddy to come home. I think they were making pizza. 

The kiddos helping to clean the church on Saturday morning. 

The napping buddies

Bronson being a super hero 

Poor Elise with a high fever. Wanted her clothes off then huddled on the blanket while I was walking.

Threw her blanket over her and she was out for the count.

One sick little girl:( 

But Bronson can still get her to laugh! 

When this picture was taken she was screaming, Bronson just got reprimanded, and I was crying. Sick kids are so hard. Come to find out she had a double ear infection. The medication round 2 was able to clear it up, HALLELUJAH! 



Switched Elise's seat to forward facing, score! 
Probably would have been reprimanded if the employees saw my kids doing this while at Home Depot

Sleepover in the tent, Bronson and Elise were beyond excited. Elise wouldn't hold still and after 1.5 hours got demoted to the crib for the night. 


Wild Weezer of the West. Fell off the back of the couch and wouldn't stop crying. After a while we noticed she wasn't using her right arm anymore, awesome. Ty took her in and sure enough it was broken. 

Was getting ready for church and came down in this outfit. Bronson "Mommy you are too pretty". Well thank you son!

The kids doing who knows what.

Happy Birthday to Daddy! He wanted cookies instead of cake. I can do that! Snickerdoodles and ice cream were had by all. 

Couldn't take it anymore, the mullet had to go. Elise did great with her very first hair cut.

They like doing this while I am getting dinner 

Happy Birthday to Miss Elise Mae!

Ice Cream cake for the win.

We were referred to the NM Orthopedics for Elise's arm. Came out with this purple bad beauty. Looks like we will be vacationing with a cast. At least 4 weeks with NO waterproof cast. Don't know if we will survive.

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