January started out pretty cold for us, actually it was a full on blizzard. See the ice and snow sneaking in.
Look at all that snow and I shoveled it all, BOOYA!
Elise NOT a fan of the wet and cold. Playing dead fish so she can be carried around.
Bronson on the other hand, in pure heaven.
She was much happier inside:)
This girl and her pigtails.
ABQ temple
Bye bye Christmas and welcome Valentines Day.
Bronson loves cutting paper with my cutter. Then made a little family out of the scraps. Not too shabby.
Hot chocolate for the win.
Love finding these two like this.
After. Did me some organizing.
For Jenn
Received some encouraging cards from cousins about moving onto Primary. He loved them.
Not too cold for the park and play....maybe.
The Roadrunner at Story time talking about the train and safety. They were pretty happy.
Elise loves her hat from Peru.
Picking up food storage at the Church Storehouse
Come Follow Me lesson with treats.
Hot date night on the roof top. It was formal dress only. Watched the sunset and had a great meal WITH dessert.
My Dad's Christmas gift to my mom was a trip down for a Girls weekend. Mom, Jenn, and Sydney made the trip down. By this point, Goober #3 is on their way. 7 weeks along actually. Had to break the news a little earlier than we normally would because honestly there is no hiding this Morning Sickness. Bronson helped me make this card for Marner to open after she arrived.
This is Bronson eating his cupcake..... really he is only eating the frosting. That's my boy!
Yep, Ty sick with a fever all huddled up in sweaters and a blanket. The poor lamb
My dad always makes fun of the way I hold my utensils.
Had to pick up a boat motor over in Rio Rancho so we stopped at the Park Above. Very fun place!
Coakley's dropped off Pizza for us, bless their hearts. So good.
Bronson's tower of markers
Bronson and Elise chilling in the waiting room at the dentist office. He did pretty good at his appt.
Bronson's house he made.
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