Thursday, January 27, 2022

November 2021


Poor Elise ate it hard at Target on their floors. She was pretty dazed and then she threw up. Long story short we ended up in the ER where they confirmed that she did have a concussion. She was mellow the rest of the day and the next. 

The kids love their toothbrushes they received from the trunk-or-treat. The Andersons are cool that way. I've been finding their toothbrushes in the oddest places.

All about Pirates from her Kiwi crate this month

These girls waiting for Bronson at school pick-up

Our Thankful branch.

I finished a workout program!

Bronson went short for his haircut.

Happy Thanksgiving Day! Went to Sam and Sierra Smith's house for dinner.

The next day we met up with the Curtis family to help them find their Christmas Tree up in the Jemez mountains.

Then of course we had to go fishing because a pond was right there.