Wednesday, January 26, 2022

San Diego 2021: Day family trip, July 30th-August 7th

The Day's took a FABULOUS trip to San Diego this year. Our trip started with a stop in Deming NM. Took some pics for uncle Jordan since he served some of his mission here. Nice place.... until the creepy man approached our children and other at the park. After the park we boogied our way to Tucson to spend the night at Uncle Kaden's house with his peeps. I am so sad that I didn't take any pictures there. Was busy catching up and having fun. Thanks for letting us stay with you guys. The next morning we caravaned with the Tucson's to San Diego and met up with the rest of the fam. 

The beach house was just steps from the harbor side and less than a block from the ocean side... pretty much amazing. THANK YOU MARNER AND PAPA DAY!!!!!! Bronson, Elise, and Celeste soaked up much needed cousin, aunt and uncle time. Did our hearts some good!!!!

Searching for sea shells for a craft project. 

It wouldn't be a beach party without Papa Day making sand castles.

We literally stayed at the harbor side or oceanside side the entire time except for one morning we went to some museum was alright. I wanted the beach back, HA!

All the grandkids who made the trip.

New game that Uncle Jordan brought, way fun!

My Sister-in-law is incredibly talented with pictures. She has the best patience and takes these amazing photos. Thanks Kyley for sharing!!!

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