Thursday, April 16, 2015

Bronson Eugene Smith

Oh man we love our Baby Bronson! Crazy to think that on Monday he will already be a month old. Also shows how crazy our lives have been too. Been meaning to post about our little man for weeks now. Better late than never. 

The morning of March 23, 2015 was pretty casual at our place. We slept in, took our time getting ready for the day, and then watched a couple episodes of Hotel Amazon. . . Stupid American with impractical ideas. Anywho, I was a bit nervous with the whole fasting thing for the procedure because of my Gestational Diabetes. If I go longer than 2-3 hours my blood sugar drops pretty fast and that is a no good situation. I get very nauseated, dizzy, and want to pass out. I was allowed to eat small breakfast and then nothing after 8:00 and my procedure was scheduled for 4:00. By the time we were heading in at 2:00 for check in I was not feeling good. Wasn't sure if it was my blood sugars or just nerves. Checked and my BS was 68 and dropping. Made Ty drive just a little faster to get to the hospital to get some sugar in me. As soon as we walked into the Labor and Delivery floor I let them know that my BS were low and that I needed something. They grabbed me juice right away and had me drink it. What a quick relief that was! In just a minute felt tons better. After a couple minutes they rechecked my sugars and it was still low so they hooked me up to some good ole D5 glucose drip. I like that stuff:) 

Here we are all checked in and ready to go for the c-section. We are pretty excited as you can see.

Ty was so very good and such a great support. I love that man! The hardest thing was when they wheeled me out of the room and Ty had to stay behind while they prepped me for the surgery. Yep tears were shed. It was so nice to have him come in minutes later and to hold my hand. The Spinal Block feels like getting your teeth worked on. Numb but can feel pressure. Weird I know. It was cool knowing what the doctors and others were talking about the procedure as they were cutting in me. I still remember the doctor stating he was cutting into my uterus and then promptly said Mec 1. I didn't like the sound of that. I explained to Ty that our baby was under some kind of stress and had a good ole turd. It only hurt when one of the nurses pushed on my belly to pop Bronson out. Oh that hurt. Then the pressure stopped and the nurses said that we had quite the ball of a child. 9lbs 12 oz, 21 inches long. Then Bronson screamed and screamed and screamed. Oh how I loved that sound!

I sent Ty over to take pictures and then I tried to move the stupid blue drape to see our child. After doing a quick clean up they strapped him onto my chest. So surreal. 

back in recovery making sure we are stable.

our view from the would be sadly missed when they moved us to mother baby floor. We watched life flight land and unload a patient.

Classic Bronson baby all milk drunk.

Our insanely tiny room that we had to share with another patient for 6 hours. Felt pretty lucky we didn't have to share longer than that!

Ty is such a good Daddy. Bronson is always turning his head when Ty walks into the room talking. He has been such a great support and a huge help. Bronson and I are pretty lucky to have him!


Pauline said...

Bronson is a cutie. Miss the little stinker. You are really blessed with a wonderful husband. Couldn't find a better one. Thanks for the post.

Jenn said...

Ah man. I just love these pictures. Thanks for posting!

Wes and Dani said...

FINALLY! I've been checking for an update every day. #stalker

I didn't know you had GD. No fun. I'm glad his first month of life has gone well! Can't wait for more updates. I guess I'm never satisfied! Wish I could hold that cute little stinker!

Jordan&Kyley said...

I love the update. Also milk drunk Bronson is my favorite! Keep the pictures coming! #MyFavoriteNephew

Jen Duke said...

I was so excited to see you blogged about Bronson's birth!! Yay! I had no idea you had gestational diabetes or that you were having a least I don't think I did. I'm glad everything went so well. He's soooo cute! Congratulations!

Jamie said...

Love that he's finally here! He's such a sweet baby. We can't wait to meet him!

McCall said...

Mom sent me a link to your blog so I was finally able to see it :) LOVED looking at all these sweet pics of Bronson!