For FHE we went on a little walk to see the things God and Jesus Christ made for us.
Ty was a proud daddy that Bronson pointed out basketball.
Watching the sunset at the end of our FHE adventure.
Snack time!
Bronson told me he was going to work and proceeded to walk the rail ties. Very proud of himself.
Hit up an Estate sale and saw this lovely box of treasures. Really?!
"Mom your rumpus is stinky! You need a new one"
Sprouts had their sale on Strawberries so that meant freezer jam for us.
This girl and her walking. So many bruises on her face from eating it hard.
Yay for Home Depot projects
My helpers picking out garden plants.
Primary temple trip. Bronson was very excited to see the temple.
All garden is in and done thanks to the sister missionaries. They have been begging for some service, they were happy to help with the garden. Watermelons, zucchini, tomatoes, and strawberries.
Succulents in the front yard too.
Another record for me, 133!
Next game Ty got his 2nd best score, 187.
Wishing Papa Smith good luck with his surgery
While chasing Bronson around I took a corner too fast. Man that hurt like a beast!
Elise's initiation to the kiddie pool, big success!
Both kids asleep in the car again!
Getting our carpets cleaned
Afterwards. They did a great job!
Bronson helping daddy with the swamp cooler
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