On our way up to my parents place we stopped in to see Grandma Allen. Always good to see here and to visit. The next day we had a Halloween Party at my parents house. I wanted to host a little get together and also some fun.
First game was shaking the ping pong balls out of the tissue boxes, hilarious.
Also did a three legged race and wheelbarrow. Donut eating contest was also fun.
Then bag of toys for the kiddies.
Bronson loved the tree house my brother Andrew built.
I love the view my parents street has.
After our little party the fellas helped put up my parents Christmas lights. Mom pulling the classic two glasses look, ha!
One stop we always have to do, sometimes even twice, China Isle. Not so sure what this big black gloobie thing is in Ty's hot and spicy soup.
Our kids fully loved the leaves.
Pumpkin carving
The finished products
With our Explora pass we get into some of the Thanksgiving Point stuff for free. We did the Thanksgiving point farm.
Cute little newborn bunnies
This goat was just freaky. The 3 horns, mangy fur, and the teeth. Too much, hahahaha!
My parents Wards Trunk-or-Treat. Cold but we survived and the kids loved it. Bronson was Cookie Monster and Elise a cookie
Next day we moved our crap over to the Smith home. Elise sporting her witches hats
Trick-or-Treating Grandma Sue's street with cousins.
These lovely ladies stopped by to say hi.... no not really. They were there for the candy. Smart girls!
Went to Thanksgiving Point again, this time the Museum of Natural Curiosity. Once again free, BOOYA!
Bronsons face, hahaha! He didn't like this little area at all.
Got the kids all excited about the Dino Museum. Like all excited. Got inside only for them to tell us we couldn't get in with my pass. What?! Their policy changed the previous day and my pass will only get us into the Curiosity museum. So bummed. It also didn't help that all the construction around Thanksgiving Point took us FOREVER to finally get there. Rant over. Moving on.
So we went back to the Curiosity Museum which was nice because we were able to see more things this time.
Elise stayed here forever. The joy of putting bean bags into a hole and doing it over and over and over again.
The music room and playing the organ.
Met up with some of Ty's buddy's for a rousing game of Bowling. The kids loved the arcade more than the bowling part. Whatever.
Always so sad to say goodbye. On our way back to ABQ we always stop in Moab for Breakfast/lunch and play at the Rotary Club park. Such a nice park.
Sweet cheeks decided to sit in the back with the piglets. Hilarious watching him get in.
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