Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Train ride at the BioParks, Story Time, Tent Rocks

It's October and we can still eat our Popsicles outside

Conrad's, Curtis's, and Smith's for our Annual train ride. Best time to do the train is October when the heat is gone and there are no school kids in the park for fieldtrips.

All of us.

Not sure if she was afraid of the train, cold, or didn't feel good. But I sure enjoyed the snuggles though.

So we started at the zoo then got off at the aquarium to see the Otters and fish.

Bronson did this all on his own. One wild boy.

Elise looks like a little old lady, ha!

Quick trip up to Tent Rocks, like real quick. We didn't realize that they close down at 4:00. We got as far as the slot canyon and then had to turn around. But it turned out to be perfect time and length for the kiddos. 

We enjoyed this sign on the Reservation.

Very upset with myself for missing this monumentous moment of 77,777.


There was a point to this picture.... not sure what now, ha!

The kiddos went quiet and I couldn't see them in the window. Found them here in the corner of the yard. Bronson exclaimed, "Look Mom, Cars!". They were thrilled to see the outside world was bigger than they originally thought.

Beautiful Sunset here in ABQ. We love them! 

My view as I walk on the tredmill. 

Hiking in the foothills with Tim Bob. This kid fell like 4 or 5 times. Hahaha! He was lacking in coordination that day.

For an outing we hit up Tingley Beach and fed the ducks.  

The kiddos liked the outing and so did the parents.

They sure loved this slide there.

Yep me walking again. Elise was sweet and laid her head on Bronson and he didn't mind at all.

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